How To Raise Your Vibration Quickly

Positive decrees are one of the fastest, simplest and most powerful ways to raise your vibration. A decree is a powerful statement which is made with ABSOLUTE CONVICTION, which creates a leap of consciousness and awakening of our higher potential.

Decrees are a great technique to use to break old patterns. We can continue as we are or we can choose differently – either way we are always manifesting!  By asking ourselves ‘do I want it or not?’ we allow ourselves to actively choose and define what we really want at a given time.

Seeing our plans in ‘the now moment’ and adding a decree, acts as a transformative activation using the clarity and alignment at the height of that powerful point. Making meditation a habit and making decrees during meditation, is a powerful manifesting technique which creates a gateway to the next thing. We can get disheartened if we don’t instantly manifest what we want, but sometimes we have to just take one step at a time. We may be meet one person, who will lead to the next person, and the next  person, and so on, like stepping stones, we this gives us choice points, which grant us the flexibility to pause and decide what we want to come next. Interim steps can bring a chance meeting, a surprise opportunity or a realization in perfect divine timing.  Always envision success and celebrate each interim step, no matter how important it may or may not seem. Unseen forces are always seeking to uplift us. Each step of the way allows us to consider cause and effect ,or karma. We get to ask ourselves  ‘do I still want that?’ How does it affect someone else and do I want the consequences of that?  Whatever stage we are at, we can make a decree and feel renewed strength.

Decrees can be personalized or general, particularly if in that moment you don’t know what is required here is a simple powerful decree you can keep up your sleeve to create an energetic shift.

With absolute conviction, state the words, ‘I DECREE THAT I NOW ALIGN WITH MY HIGHEST TIMELINE.’